
  • Bidang Penelitian dan Pengembangan BAPPEDA Kab Bandung Author


roadmap, regional innovation system, Bandung Regency


The innovation system is one approach to economic development by utilizing science and technology
that can provide added value. Strengthening the innovation system is carried out to support
progressive and quality, inclusive and sustainable national and regional development. Strengthening
the Regional Innovation System (SIDa) is realized to support the strengthening of the National
Innovation System. Strengthening SIDa is a vehicle for strengthening the pillars of the development
of creativity and innovation in the regions which are an integral part of the Strengthening of the
National Innovation System. To ensure the sustainability of the implementation of the SIDa
strengthening policy, the SIDa Strengthening policy must be included in the regional five-year
strategic plan, namely the SIDa Strengthening Roadmap, the Regional Medium Term Development
Plan (RPJMD), and the Regional Government Work Plan (RKPD). The SIDa Strengthening
Roadmap itself contains SIDa's current condition, challenges and opportunities, conditions to be
achieved, policy directions and strengthening strategies, focus and priority programs, and action
plans for SIDa strengthening. The obstacle that often arises in the implementation of SIDa is the
number of development programs that are still routinely oriented, sporadic, and partial. Each
regional apparatus only puts forward programs that are directly related to the authority and does
not think about the link between these programs and other programs which are cross-authorities
between regional apparatuses. Therefore, the preparation of the Bandung Regency Regional
Innovation System Roadmap (SIDa) is very important in regulating and directing the formation of
conducive and harmonious environmental conditions in encouraging the creation of collaboration
and innovation that is beneficial in improving development achievements.

